Our Family Story

At Popside Candy, we are a family team working together to achieve a sweet dream. Our small but mighty and loving family is the driving force behind the Popside Candy brand.

Our story starts with our beloved late Papa, AKA "Pops", who has continued to inspire us to work hard towards our dreams and bring new and delicious snacks to families across the nation. With POPS always by our SIDE and in our hearts, we know we can achieve anything!

With over 15 years of freeze drying expertise, our family initially started with freeze dried fruit and ice cream scoops for small, local markets. Fast forward many years and an infinite amount of passion later, the Popside Candy family continues to innovate to create a fun and exciting snacking experience we know you will remember and share.

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How Our Candy Is Made

Through an engineered freeze drying process that removes all moisture entirely, our family team manufactures, hand-packs, and ships our premium freeze dried candy from our fully-licensed and inspected commercial facility in Southeast Michigan. At Popside Candy, a family-owned and operated small business, we simply refuse to cut corners and are dedicated to providing our customers with premium freeze dried treats that adhere to only the highest cleanliness and safety standards.

As a result of our meticulous quality control efforts, combined with our premium resealable custom packaging, you can trust that you will receive only the freshest, crunchiest candy for a brand new and memorable snacking experience!

Our Values


    Our love for good-tasting snacks runs deep, and it's this passion that fuels our creativity and dedication. Every single bag of Popside Candy is made in our commercial facility by our family in small batches, and hand-packed with love and care. When you choose Popside Candy, you're choosing a premium quality, taste, and texture snacking experience like no other.


    We've always strived to push the boundaries of what's possible in the world of snacks and sweet treats. Our family believes in continuously innovating and experimenting to find ways to bring you a new and fun snacking experience. From limited-release flavors to custom designed product packaging, creativity is at the heart of everything we do.


    We invite you to be a part of the Popside Candy family and join a vibrant community full of snackers of all ages. Our freeze dried treats are crafted to bring friends, family, and loved ones closer, to make gatherings more memorable, and to turn ordinary moments into extraordinary ones. Experience a new side to snacking with Popside Candy!